The Heart of the Snatch and Clean and Jerk


At the heart of the Snatch and Clean and Jerk is timing of the simultaneous extension of the hips knees ankles before the arms flex.

When this sequence is done correctly it exerts maximum force into the barbell and allowing for the highest elevate.

If the this timing is done out sequence (arms bend first) or not completed (the hips and knees do not fully extend) the lifter will compensate for either a forward bar path or will need to retract the body quickly get under the bar because of low elevation.

We do not want to compensate for incorrect movement mechanics.  

You must practice correct timing.

Practical application

Start standing straight up with the bar in your hands. Then slight unlock the hips and knees with the shoulders forward of the bar and you weight balance over the mid foot. This is the Power Position. All three exercises will start here on every rep.  

Snatch/Clean Pull – Pause in the power position. While keeping the arms straight and loose extend the hips knees and ankles then shrug. Use your lats to keep the bar on the body and balance on the toes for a 1 count

Snatch/Clean High pull – Pause in the power position. While keeping the arms straight and loose extend the hips knees and ankles then shrug and guide the bar up the torse by bending the elbows. Use your lats to keep the bar on the body, keep it close upon when your elbows are bend and balance on the toes for a 1 count

Power Snatch/Clean – Pause in the power position. While keeping the arms straight and loose extend aggressively jump extending the hips knees and ankles then guide the bar up close to the torse and aggressively secure the bar overhead or in the front rack position. Pause in the catch for 1 count and make sure you’re balanced and stable.


-when the weight gets heavier you will no longer be able to hold the pulls and high pulls, the 1 count pauses is to reinforce maximal hip, knee and ankle contraction which is the source of power

-Some athletes use and early arm bend intentionally, this should be done only by lifters who’ve mastered this timing and have a valid reason to do so, determined by a coach or through years of personal experience

-Pull and high pull are mainly conscious behaviors, the powers are mainly subconscious so don’t over think the power.