The Overhead Press

What’s more bad ass then putting a heavy weight over head?

The over head press is the most functional upper body movement you can do. When done correctly it completely strengthens the shoulder from the superficial (deltoids, triceps and traps) down to the deep stabilizer muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor).

The body likes to operate as a unit. Training muscles in isolation goes against how the body naturally like to operate.  Properly training the overhead press trains the muscles around the scapula allowing for strength and mobility development. In addition to developing coordination and higher threshold motor unit recruitment developing the efficiency of the central nervous system.  

I digress. In order to lift the arms overhead the scapula (AKA shoulder blades) will upwardly rotate essentially floating on the rib cage and in the lock out position the weight is actively supported by the traps to hold it in position.  

Many people lifting the arms overhead or overhead pressing incorrectly will not experience this type of movement from the scapula due to flexibility limitations or a poor understanding (physically and mentally) of the mechanics involved in properly putting the arms overhead.

The rib cage needs to be anchored through bracing and “crunching” the abdominals, while the pressed is performed shrugging at the lockout.

For the individuals with structural flexibility limitations (joint structure or previous injuries) you may want to consider, alternative exercises and alternated movements patterns that allows the least amount of moment force at the joint upon lockout. Examples for alternative exercises are: high incline bench press or landmine press.


Just Strength Train

For those who have the classic flexibility issues paying attention to the cues that pertain to them and regularly overhead pressing will allow for proper mobility to take place. Lack of strength is usual the cause of the mobility issue.