Learn to Snatch

Using a stick or PVC Pipe


Take a wide grip on the implement and bring one knee to the chest. if the bar elevates the grip is too narrow. Adjust your hands wide enough so the bar does not elevate when you lift the knee up.

*Note: There may be a case that the grip needs to get it into the hip is so wide that that it hits the head when in the overhead position. In this case the lifter must narrow the grip.  


Snatch Balance Series

Overhead squat

Take the implement, hold it in the overhead, squeezing the shoulder blades and the triceps. Wrist are in slight extension

Squat 5 reps.


Pressing Snatch Balance

Slowly press yourself under the bar. Without moving the bar from it’s location in space. This means the bar does not elevate nor does it drop. While keeping tension in the shoulders and triceps, slowly squat down until the arms are in a locked-out position. When locked out squeeze the shoulders and triceps hard, finish squatting all the way down and then stand back up.

Repeat 5 times


Drop Snatch

The same as the pressing snatch balance. Without elevating the bar, drop under aggressively locking out the arms and squeezing the shoulders. The feet will contact the ground at the same time the elbows hit. An audible slap with the feet is what we are looking for. That noise is a result of the lifter dropping under the bar not jumping. Squat down all the way and stand up with straight arms

Repeat 5 times


While standing tall, squeezing the glutes and quads lift the stick with the elbows up and from here like the drop snatch, the lifter will drop under secure the stick overhead at the same the feet contact the ground. Squat down all the way and stand up with straight arms.

Repeat 5 times

Jump drill

With straight arms hinge forward while keeping the shoulders forward of the bar and weight back on the heels. Jump while keeping the stick in contact with the body. Do not allow the stick to bounce out forward. It is important to keep the arms loose straight and in contact with the body.

Repeat 5 times


Moving to the Bar

Take a light bar and perform all movements for three reps except for the scarecrow. The scare crow will turn into a tall snatch.

Overhead Squat - 3 reps

Pressing Snatch Balance – 3 reps

Drop Snatch – 3 reps

Tall snatch – 3 reps

Stand in a tall position. While timing a glute and quad squeeze first (this is to mimic the second pull) the lifer will keep the close to the body, bringing the elbows up and out. As high as they can. They will do this three times to get a sense as to how high the bar is allowed to go. On the third pull the lifter will drop under the securing it overhead.

Jump Drill – 3 reps


Lets make it Dynamic

3 Position Snatch


Keep the bar in the hip, torso upright, bending at the knees only. Keep the arms loose. Jump and catch riding the squat all the way down


Lower the bar into the hang position at the knee, bring it up to the jump position, jump catch and squat it all the way.


If you don’t have weights on the bar, lower it to mid shin, if you have weights bring it to the floor then pause off the ground. Be patient making sure you keep the shoulders forward of the bar as you bring it to the jump position.

Add a little bit of weight and master these first before moving forward.


Important notes: The bar must be in contact with the tights on the jumps position, us the lats to pull the bar in. Make sure the arm stays loose and the elbows do not bend until the jump has been executed. Go slow if you are pulling from the floor because if you rush the first part, it can lead to bigger error, like balance issues and missing the jump position.