Starting and Receiving Positions

1.Muscle Clean/Snatch - Securing the bar in the front rack or overhead position with straight legs.

2.Power clean/snatch - Securing the bar in with the front rack or overhead position with a rebend in the knees and hips anywhere between slightly unlocked to  knees just  above 90 degrees of the hip crease.  

3.Clean/Snatch -  Securing the bar in the front rack or overhead position while squatting all the way down. Hip crease drops below 90 degrees.   

4.Hang  (any variation) - the weights start off the floor, hence hang. This can be a hang from the power position,  high hip, mid thigh, above the knees, at the knee, below the knee, mid shin or a few inches off the floor. 


If you want to get better at Olympic Weightlifting journey you must understanding the differences between these terms