Bench press is the primary upper body strength exercise. In the beginning it requires attention to detail and many repetitions to improve. Use each moment as a opportunity to set up correctly and execute each rep as perfectly as possible .
Rack Height - lay down on the bench so your eyes are just below the bar. Retract your shoulders down and back and unrack the bar. You shouldn’t have to roll the shoulders forward to unrack it. If you are losing shoulder position lower the jhooks.
Set up – Lay down on the bench so your eyes are just below the bar. Set your feet wide keeping the ankles directly below knees. They should make 90° angles at the knee and ankle joints. Set your shoulders down and back (this will put you into thoracic extension) think about “putting your shoulders into your back pocket”, apply pressure into the bar downward this will bring the bar to the front of the J-hooks, keep apply pressure using the lats. Take a big breath in and brace.
Reference to position while bench pressing
Unrack – While continuing to apply pressure downward into the bar, drive the feet into the ground and lock out the elbows. The bar should “float” into position. Stop the bar’s travel once it’s directly over the shoulder joint. There should be no movement in the body during this phase.
Eccentric – Initiate the lowering phase by unlocking the elbow (keep the elbows directly under bar) and “row the weight” until it touches your chest. “Rowing the weight will help keep the lats contracted these aids in stabilizing the upper arm. Ensure that you are continuing to apply force into the ground by pressing the feet into the ground while driving the knees out. As you approach the bottom position “meeting the bar with the chest” will help continue to keep the lats engaged.
Bottom – Without the loss of tightness this should be either a very light touch on the chest with a quick reversal or a motionless pause before moving the bar back up. The first version (“touch and go”) think about touching the tee shirt only. There should be very little impact on the chest. The seconds version (pause), keep as much tension into the barbell as possible waiting for bar to become motionless before exploding upwards.
Concentric – As you reverse the barbell back up do not lose the tightness. Stay braced and think “melt the bar with the hands”, stay “routed” into the ground and “chase the bar with the chest”. Pressing up keep applying maximum intensity into the bar throughout the entire range of motion.
Lockout Out – After complete stability has been achieve pause momentarily. Either rack the bar by keeping the arms straight guiding into the uprights or reset and prepare for another rep.
Final Thoughts
The bench press requires a lot attention to detail and patience. Take the moments before you start moving the bar to practice what you need to pay attention to. Pausing between reps gives you the opportunity pay attention to try to execute each rep as perfectly as you are capable of. If you are taking your time between reps and bringing maximum intent and intensity to move the bar as fast and smooth as possible your form and strength will improve.