Are You Using Your Hips in The Squat?

Not getting depth ?

Weight shifting forward?

Incorrect back angles?

-The knees travel forward - Initial the squat with the hips on the way up

-The hips travel up faster than the bar rises - Focus on driving the chest into the bar.


Stance - First make sure you have a stance that allows you to get depth. Go into a deep squat, stay there and let your legs turn out how ever they want. Push your elbows into your knees. Get the hip crease below the knee. Look down, this is your stance.

Now lets look into some potential causes

-Knees are unlocked after unracking the bar

-The Lifter is starting the lift with the knees first

-The legs are collapsing in

-Lifter is trying to keep the torso vertical


A few fixes to this issue

-Before the start - lock out the knees by squeezing the quads

-Start of the lift - reach back with the hips then drive you’re knees out

-Depth – keep weight back and keep driving the knees out

-On the Ascend – Squeeze the chest up and drive with the hips

*Keeping the chest up is important but if it’s causing the lifter to allow the knees to excessively track over the toes and there is a mismatch in back angles on the way down as the way up looking down may be appropriate here.


If you can’t seem to get it use this special exercise to help fix this problem


Pause out of the hole squat – sit the hips back push your knees our and drive your chest into the bar. After you reach depth, slide the knees back to initiate the drive out of the hole without losing the back position. During the pause make sure to verify you are correctly balance over the middle of the foot, you’re diving the knees out  and then lead with the hips. An indication that you did it right is you’ll see you’re knees traveling backwards as you stand.

 Pause variations are great at giving the lifter the environment to succeed. You can even pause at different spots to highlight specific areas of the Range of Motion you would like to improve.  Keep the weight light to moderate 55-65% and make sure it’s done with perfect form.