Improve your Form and Power by doing sets of 3, 2, or 1

A general rule: Do mini sets with ~50-75%, with short, 30-60 seconds of rest, intervals while performing reps as quickly as possible.  


Squat – 2 reps per set (15-25 total reps)

Bench press and Overhead press – 3 reps per set (18-30 total reps)

Deadlift – 1 rep per set (10-20 total reps)


The time in between sets should be a QUICK REFLECTION on how well you did during the set and what you will try to improve with the next set.

Below are some generic examples of things a lifter may be paying attention to. Keep in mind each lifter will have their own set of “things they need to focus on” and what needs attention is not restricted to the examples below.

Squat –

·         Fast?

·         Bracing hard?

·         Sitting back?

·         Driving the knees out?

·         Depth?

·         Chest up out of the hole?

Bench press –

·         Fast?

·         Bracing hard?

·         Chest up?

·         Legs tight?

Overhead press

·         Fast?

·         Bracing hard?

·         Legs tight?

·         Pressing backwards?


·         Back Flat?

·         Lats tight?

·         Weight back?

·         Bracing hard?

·         Pulling the slack out?

·         Fast?

I recommend the lifter solely focuses on the top 2 issues they consistently exhibiting errors in. As the sets persist, if the lifter is doing good with the top 2 issues, they can add another thing to focus on.



Take a look at the generic list again and notice that each lift has FAST as a bullet point. We must assuming that the lifter has experience with the lifts and has a clear idea on how the lifts should be performed. If this not established doing the lifter is not ready for speed work just yet.  The goal of strength training is to be stronger. To be stronger you must produce more force. There are two ways to do this.

1.       Put more weight on the bar

2.       Move a weight faster


Why Dynamic Effort Works

Doing mini sets at a weight that is 50-75% allows us to focus on the key component for force development, speed. We want to improve movement quality at the fastest speed possible because this will recruit more motor units and increase the rate of force production. Thus, allowing us to develop the ability to improve form at a high speed.


Final Note

There is a time and place to train slow. When you first start off training and when you are coming back from an injury or training around an injury. Keep in mind training slowly makes you slow and it inherently reduced the weight off the bar. You must push your body ability to have the best form possible at the highest speed. So, listen to your body, reflect, pay attention and train fast!